- 张立力1,杨婷丽1,李宏伟2,曹鑫铖1,夏如茜1,潘从玲1
摘 要:通过碱溶液浸泡和胶砂强度试验,从8种耐碱玻纤中优选出了1种综合性能相对较好的耐碱玻纤,在此基础上,研究了耐碱玻纤的体积掺量(0、0.05%、0.10%、0.20%、0.40%、0.80%)和养护制度(蒸汽养护56 h、标准养护7 d)对C80、C95高性能混凝土工作性和力学性能的影响。结果表明:TS耐碱玻纤在碱溶液中浸泡96 h后表面无裂痕,且掺TS耐碱玻纤胶砂的28 d抗折、抗压强度相对较高;随着TS耐碱玻纤掺量的增加,C80、C95混凝土的工作性和抗压强度下降,抗折强度基本呈增大趋势;蒸汽养护试件的抗压、抗折强度比标准养护试件的高。
Abstract: Through alkaline solution immersion and mortar strength tests, one alkali resistant glass fiber with relatively good comprehensive performance was selected from eight types of alkali resistant glass fiber. Based on this, the effects of the volume content (0, 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.20%, 0.40%, 0.80%) of alkali resistant glass fiber and curing system (steam curing for 56 h and standard curing for 7 d) on the workability and mechanical properties of C80 and C95 high performance concrete were studied. The results show that there are no cracks on the surface of TS alkali resistant glass fiber after soaking in alkaline solution for 96 h, and the 28 d flexural and compressive strength of mortar with TS alkali resistant glass fiber are relatively high. With the increase of TS alkali resistant glass fiber content, the workability and compressive strength of C80 and C95 concrete decrease, while the flexural strength basically shows an increasing trend. The compressive and flexural strength of steam cured specimens are higher than those of standard cured specimens.
ZHANG L L,YANG T L,LI H W,et al.Optimization of alkali resistant glass fiber and its influence on performance of high performance concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(3):49-52.