- 白焕一
摘 要:通过对平面轴线尺寸为25.2 m×33.6 m大跨度楼盖的结构分析,探讨了大跨度混凝土结构的设计方法,提出了钢筋混凝土井字梁式楼盖结构的设计方案,可为类似大跨度楼盖结构的设计提供参考。
Abstract: Through the structural analysis of the long-span floor with a plane axis size of 25.2 m × 33.6 m, the design method of the long-span concrete structure is discussed, and the design scheme of the reinforced concrete well-shaped beam-type floor structure is put forward, which can provide a reference for the design of similar long-span floor structures.
BAI H Y.Design Method of Well-shaped Beam of Long-span Concrete Structures[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(2):76-81.