- 解 帅1,贾治勇2,曹延鑫1,冀志江1,司甜甜1,王 静1
摘 要:以纳米炭黑和膨胀珍珠岩为吸波剂和轻骨料,设计制备了层状结构轻质水泥基复合材料,采用弓形反射法研究其对X波段的微波吸收性能,并对其导热系数进行了测试。结果表明:与传统的阻抗渐变多层结构相比,所制备的层状结构水泥基材料具有更好的微波吸收性能,对X波段的电磁波反射率小于-15 dB;所制备的层状结构轻质水泥基复合材料具有显著的保温隔热功效。
Abstract: Layered structured lightweight cement-based composite was designed and fabricated using carbon black and expanded perlite as electromagnetic wave absorbent and lightweight aggregates. The electromagnetic wave absorption properties were studied by arching reflected method, and the thermal conductivity coefficient was tested. The results indicate that the prepared layered structured cement-based composites exhibit better electromagnetic wave absorption properties than the traditional gradient multi-layer structured cement-based composites. The reflectivity of layered structured cement-based composites can be less than -15 dB in the whole X-band. The prepared layered structured lightweight cement-based composites possess remarkable thermal insulation function.
XIE S,JIA Z Y,CAO Y X,et al.Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Properties of Layered Structured Thermal Insulation Lightweight Cement-based Materials[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(9):62-65.